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A white image of a series of arrows all pointing towards a red center as a metaphor for investing goals

Investment philosophy and process

Portfolio design

Building wisely.

After we establish the most suitable asset allocation for a portfolio, we next consider how to gain exposure to each of the desired asset classes and markets.

The portfolio’s investment objectives provide a guide in determining its appropriate return target and risk profile.

Our goal: to achieve the maximum level of returns for a given level of risk.

At the core of this effort is ongoing research about what drives a portfolio to outperform a benchmark. These are often referred to as drivers of excess returns, or alpha sources.

Our research combines proprietary market analysis and modeling, discussions with external investment managers, and third-party academic research.

Our portfolio design process includes offerings from external investment managers or from our own cost-effective internally-managed portfolios*.

Ongoing research Formulate investment strategy Determine return target & risk profile Assess goals Strategic design

Ongoing research:

  • Identifying relevant alpha sources 
  • Determining the optimal combination of alpha-source exposures
  • Evaluating portfolio characteristics and risks 
  • Assessing likely relative performance in different investment environments

Source: SEIC.

Important Information

SEI’s Investment Management Unit (“IMU”) is a team within SEI Investments Management Corp (“SIMC”) which serves as investment advisor. SIMC is a wholly owned subsidiary of SEI.

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There are risks involved with investing, including loss of principal. There is no assurance the goals of the strategies discussed will be met. Diversification may not protect against market risk. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than the original amount invested. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investment may not be suitable for everyone.

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