A training program to give your key firm personnel a higher level of proficiency on the Platform.
SEI Wealth Platform Accreditation Program Curricula
Each curriculum aligns to the organizational role and responsibilities of an SEI Wealth Platform client and delves into the workflows and functionality to support their business focus.
Foundations accreditation
The Foundations accreditation is specifically designed for those who have limited knowledge of the SEI Wealth Platform. After a Foundations accreditation, you will have a broad understanding of the Platform and our implementation methodology and process.
SEI Project Management accreditation
The SEI Project Management accreditation builds on Foundations. This course will provide more details about our implementation process, including previous project pain points and mitigation options.
Business Readiness accreditation
The Business Readiness accreditation consists of four separate courses, including Front Office, Administration, Investments, and Operations. In these courses, you will understand:
You can take the course that aligns with your role, or you can complete all four courses to become competent in all functional areas.
System Integration accreditation
The System Integration accreditation gives you the technical and business process knowledge necessary to design and build the integration between the SEI Wealth Platform and other applications. You will gain an understanding of the primary Platform data model structure. You will learn the data integration tools that are available for inbound and outbound data to and from the Platform. You will also understand the fundamentals of system integration design, testing, deployment, and support for Platform integration efforts.
Management Reporting accreditation
The Management Reporting accreditation provides you with the fundamentals to understand all of the available reporting options and tools within the SEI Wealth Platform. Upon completion, you will have the ability to create new or existing system reports using available data elements and end client ready reports using your firm's custom branding. You will also understand reporting challenges and be prepared to recommend mitigation options.
Please note: All information is subject to change. All class durations are approximate.
This program is provided by SEI Global Services, Inc.
Accreditation Maintenance
As part of the Accreditation Program, you have the option for each accredited individual to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure they are meeting the necessary maintenance requirements of their respective accreditation. If the individual is found to have not met the maintenance requirements, a remedial plan will be prescribed in order for the individual to remain accredited. This plan will be shared and agreed with the individual’s sponsor to ensure the individual has the necessary support to remain accredited.
Please note: All information is subject to change. All class durations are approximate.
This program is provided by SEI Global Services, Inc.
Services provided by SEI through its affiliates and subsidiaries.