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As an experienced fund administrator, fund accountant, investment processor, and data operations provider, SEI offers middle and back-office services to help ensure data is properly cleansed and reconciled.

Outsourcing these workflows to SEI can help give investment teams peace of mind that their Investment book of record is being proactively managed, allowing investors to act with greater confidence.

Portfolio data

Transaction data

SEI offers outsourced accounting services to construct your accounting book of record (ABOR), which feeds into your investment book of record (IBOR). The IBOR is a reduction of the ABOR, as it reconciles the left side of the balance sheet (the asset side). Third-party administration can also include daily investment processing, cash and position reconciliation, transaction type designation, and cash flow forecasting. SEI can also provide an audit trail and quarterly stakeholder reporting. These options are catered to your operations team’s needs. 

Learn more about fund administration and back office services. 

Manager data

We liaise directly with managers to either be added to the distribution list or given access to their investor portal. Depending on what transparency your managers provide, we process manager updates and communications to enable exposure- or position-level reporting. Exposure-level transparency allows your team to investigate aggregate exposures—e.g., sector, country, liquidity—and their drivers. Position-level transparency enables look-through analyses for both public and private investments.