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SEI Liquid Alternative Fund Recognized for Award-Winning Performance

May 4, 2021
clock 5 MIN READ

LONDON, May 4, 2021 SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) today announced that the SEI Liquid Alternative Fund (The Fund) has been recognized as a Best Performing Fund in 2020 by the Hedge Fund Journal at its 2021 UCITS Hedge Awards. Honored in the “Hedge Fund Index Replication” category for its performance in 2020 and over two-, three- and five-year periods, The Fund seeks to replicate the pre-fee returns of 70 leading hedge funds in the equity long/short, relative value, event-driven and managed futures categories, using sophisticated, proprietary multi-factor models.

“SEI launched the SEI Liquid Alternative Fund in 2015 with the goal of building a daily dealing UCITS fund that could match or outperform the caliber of hedge funds we might use in our most sophisticated institutional portfolios,” said Kevin Barr, Head of SEI’s Investment Management Unit and Asset Management Distribution business. “We are proud to be recognized for our achievements and the success of this fund just five years later.”

SEI utilizes a three-prong investment strategy in managing The Fund, including:

  • A factor-based approach: Replication models seek to identify core drivers of pre-fee performance across equity, rates and currencies
  • No direct investments in hedge funds: SEI invests only in highlight liquid futures for efficiency and to minimize trading costs and asset-liability mismatches
  • A combination of multiple models: Each model is geared to the specific characteristics of the underlying hedge funds

“By replicating 80% or more of pre-fee hedge fund returns and charging a fraction of the fees, we seek to outperform hedge funds with all the client-friendly benefits of a UCITS structure, daily liquidity and attractive expense ratio,” said Rudy Koitchev, Portfolio Manager of Non-traditional Strategies at SEI. “This recognition validates our investment philosophy and performance.”

In the “Hedge Fund Index Replication” category, The Fund is the best performing fund over the following time periods:

  • In 2020 with a return of 8.92% and a Sharpe Ratio* of 0.77 
  • Over 2 years with a return of 8.58% and a Sharpe Ratio* of 0.96
  • Over 3 years with a return of 5.42% and a Sharpe Ratio* of 0.64
  • Over 5 years with a return of 5.86% and a Sharpe Ratio* of 0.81

The Fund has $370.16 million in assets under management and is sub-advised by Dynamic-Beta Investments.*

*as of March, 31, 2021. The Sharpe Ratio is the average return earned in excess of the risk-free rate per unit of volatility or total risk. Volatility is a measure of the price fluctuations of an asset or portfolio.

About SEI’s Asset Management Distribution Team

SEI’s Asset Management Distribution team provides customized strategic partnerships that enable open-architecture investment solutions aligned to end-investors’ goals. The group supports leading financial service intermediaries across the globe, including North America, Europe and Asia, and creates a distinct end-client offering by implementing a goals-based advice framework that combines SEI’s pioneered behavioral finance approach with the client’s proprietary advice platform. SEI’s Asset Management Distribution team is a part of the company’s Private Banking business unit. For more information, visit

About SEI

After 50 years in business, SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) remains a leading global provider of investment processing, investment management, and investment operations solutions designed to help corporations, financial institutions, financial advisors, and ultra-high-net-worth families create and manage wealth. As of March 31, 2021, through its subsidiaries and partnerships in which the company has a significant interest, SEI manages, advises or administers approximately $1 trillion in hedge, private equity, mutual fund and pooled or separately managed assets, including approximately $384 billion in assets under management and $836 billion in client assets under administration. 

Important Information

The SEI Liquid Alternative Fund is structured as an open-ended collective investment scheme and is authorised in Ireland by the Central Bank as a UCITS pursuant to the UCITS Regulations. The fund is managed by SEI Investments, Global Ltd (“SIGL”). SIGL has appointed SEI Investments (Europe) Ltd (“SIEL”), an affiliate of SIGL, to provide general distribution services in relation to the fund. The SEI Liquid Alternative Fund may not be marketed to the general public except in jurisdictions where the funds have been registered by the relevant regulator. The matrix of the SEI fund registrations can be found here 
Whilst the information contained in this document relating to the SEI Funds has been provided by SIEL in good faith, no warranty is given as to its accuracy or completeness. 

Application for shares in SEI Funds (the “Shares”) will be considered on the basis of the relevant SEI Fund’s Prospectus (and any relevant supplement) and the latest published audited annual report and accounts and, if published after such report, a copy of the latest unaudited semi-annual report. 

If you enter a distribution agreement with SIEL, you, as a sub-distributor, would be responsible for, amongst other things, ensuring that the Shares are only offered, and any literature relating to the SEI Funds are only distributed, in jurisdictions where such offer and/or distribution would be lawful. The SEI Funds referenced in this document are only registered for distribution as indicated in the SEI Fund’s Prospectus. 

The Shares have not been and will not be registered for sale to the public in the United States of America (“US”) under the Securities Act of 1933 of the US (or the securities laws of any of the US states). 

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investments in SEI Funds are generally medium to long-term investments. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than the original amount invested. SEI Funds may use derivative instruments which may be used for hedging purposes and/or investment purposes. Additionally, this investment may not be suitable for everyone. If you should have any doubt whether it is suitable for you, you should obtain expert advice. 
The SEI Funds are registered for public distribution in the United Kingdom (UK). For the purposes of distribution in the UK, this information is issued by SIEL located at 1st Floor, Alphabeta, 14-18 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1BR, UK. SIEL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

This document does not constitute investment advice or an offer to sell, buy or recommendation for securities nor does it constitute legal, tax or other advice. 


Head of Global Communications


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