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The need to invest in your students' success

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Students’ success is what drives the mission and the future of your institution.


It’s no secret that higher education institutions strive to offer the best resources, technology, and learning.

That’s why many are looking for ways to stay even more competitive in the eyes of their students, potential students, and other colleges and universities. With the goal of highly marketable and prepared future employees in sight, higher education organizations are ramping up their programs with real world experiences.

How are organizations making their students more marketable in a job situation? 

  1. Increase touch points with key subject matter experts and mentors: This can mean extra office hours with relevant staff or exposure to industry experts live in the field. More conversations and working examples can help set students up for the real world. 
  2. Internships: Real life experience speaks volumes to potential employers. Partner with organizations who offer active recruitment for your students. Promote career fairs and offer resources for career opportunities on your website
  3. Lab work and research: Practice makes perfect. Helping your students become familiar with their future career field is key. Well informed, well trained students can feel more confident entering the workforce. 


Giving students real life experience

In the field of finance and investments, student managed investment funds or clubs are one example of how to give students real life experience with an investment portfolio. Keeping track of the day-to-day activities, performing research, and above all, holding responsibility for their decisions can build confidence and experience. This may help give them an advantage in applying for an internship or a job after graduation.

According to the FY21 NACUBO Study of Endowments, universities and colleges that offer such funds managed by students have a median size anywhere from $300,000 to over $2 million, depending on the endowment size. In another study conducted in 2022 by AGB (Association of Governing Boards for Universities and Colleges), 92% of investment providers that helped with these student managed funds were OCIOs (outsourced chief investment offices).

Taking steps to better your students is an important investment. After all, your school's greatest assets are your students. As a committed strategic partner to our college and university clients, we have an interest in providing opportunities to your students and helping them succeed overall. That's why we created the Future Leaders in Finance program to support colleges, universities, and their students. 

Future Leaders in Finance

Helping your students and you achieve long-term goals.