Paul Klauder is Head of SEI’s Advisor business and an Executive Vice President of SEI, responsible for the business and growth strategies across our North American intermediary markets.
A 30-year SEI veteran, Paul most recently served as Head of our Institutional business, overseeing all investment products and services provided to our global institutional clients. Prior to that role, he was Vice President and Managing Director in the Institutional Group, responsible for new business development within the institutional investment marketplace. Paul was instrumental in the growth of what was a new business at SEI into one of the largest providers of investment outsourcing in the world.
Prior to joining SEI, Paul worked at Arthur Andersen and Company as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), specializing in financial service audits and employee benefit plan reviews and consultations.
Paul earned his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and computer science from DeSales University. He is a CPA and maintains his FINRA Series 7; 24; 63; and 65 licenses.
SEI refers to a group of companies under common management, which includes SEI Investments Canada Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company.
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