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SEI Canada Makes Changes in Risk Ratings, Launches New Classes and Renames Select Funds

June 30, 2020
clock 3 MIN READ

TORONTO, June 30, 2020 – SEI Investments Canada Company (SEI Canada), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company (NASDAQ:SEIC), today announced changes to the risk ratings of certain SEI Canada funds, as well as changes to a selection of funds. 

After conducting its regular annual review, SEI Canada has changed the risk ratings for specific classes of several funds listed below, which are disclosed in the Fund Facts and Funds’ Simplified Prospectus dated June 29, 2020.

Fund name Classes Previous Risk Rating New Risk Rating
Balanced 60/40 Fund All classes Low Low to medium
Balanced Monthly Income Fund All classes Low  Low to medium
Canadian Equity Fund All classes Low to medium Medium
International Equity Fund All classes Low to medium Medium
U.S. Large Company Equity Fund E,F,I,O,R only Low to medium Medium
U.S. Small Company Equity Fund F(H), I(H), R(H) only  Medium Medium to high

No changes were made to the investment objectives or strategies of these funds. Additional information regarding the risk rating methodology, as well as the investment objectives and strategies of each fund, can be found in the prospectus referenced above.

SEI Canada also launched two new classes of units for its U.S. High Yield Bond Fund and renamed three funds. Details of these changes are disclosed in the Simplified Prospectus dated June 29, 2020. No changes were made to any of these funds’ investment objectives or strategies.

Fund Classes launched:

  • U.S. High Yield Bond Fund, Class FC Units
  • U.S. High Yield Bond Fund, Class FC(H) Units

Asset Allocation Funds renamed:

  • Balanced Fund renamed Neutral Balanced Fund
  • Growth Fund renamed Balanced Growth Fund
  • Moderate Fund renamed Income Balanced Fund

About SEI Canada 

SEI founded its Canadian business in 1983, pioneering innovative asset management techniques for institutional investors. Today, SEI offers integrated investment management and strategic advice solutions to help institutional investors achieve their organizational goals and fulfill fiduciary responsibilities. Capitalizing on its investment expertise, SEI began offering investment solutions to retail investors through investment advisors in 1994. The investment approach provides multi-manager, globally diversified strategies with an appropriate home-country bias for Canadian retail investors. SEI’s goals-based strategies, strategic asset allocation strategies and asset class funds are available through select dealer relationships. For more information, visit

About SEI 

After 50 years in business, SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) remains a leading global provider of investment processing, investment management, and investment operations solutions that help corporations, financial institutions, financial advisors, and ultra-high-net-worth families create and manage wealth. As of March 31, 2020, through its subsidiaries and partnerships in which the company has a significant interest, SEI manages, advises or administers $920 billion* in hedge, private equity, mutual fund and pooled or separately managed assets, including $283 billion* in assets under management and $632 billion* in client assets under administration. For more information, visit

*Figures are in US dollars.


Head of Global Communications


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