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SEI Canada Will Add to Fee-Based Offering and Make Changes to a Selection of Funds

May 28, 2021
clock 4 MIN READ

TORONTO, May 28, 2021 – SEI Investments Canada Company (SEI Canada), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company (NASDAQ:SEIC), today announced changes to a selection of funds.

SEI Canada intends to launch a new class of units for Canadian Fixed Income Fund, Emerging Markets Equity Fund and International Equity Fund and make closures to a selection of fund classes. Details of these expected changes are disclosed in the preliminary and pro forma filing of the Simplified Prospectus dated May 27, 2021.

The launch of the three funds in Class FC will bring additional options to SEI Canada’s cost-efficient fee-based offering which, upon launch, will total seven Strategic Asset Allocation Funds and five Asset Class Funds. The Class FC offering is currently available to a select group of SEI’s strategic distribution partners.

“At a time when regulators, dealers and investors are focused on transparency and value, we are excited to make our diversified, manager-of-managers solutions available through our dealer partners who truly emphasize a client-first approach”, said Andy Mitchell, Managing Director of SEI Canada.

The changes will be effective upon the filing of SEI Canada’s final simplified prospectus, expected to occur on or about June 29, 2021. No changes will be made to any of these funds’ investment objectives or strategies.

Fund Classes to be launched:

  • Canadian Fixed Income Fund, Class FC Units
  • Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Class FC Units
  • International Equity Fund, Class FC Units

Fund Classes to be closed:

  • All Equity Fund: Class I Units
  • Balanced Growth Fund: Class I Units
  • Balanced Monthly Income Fund: Class I Units
  • Canadian Equity Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Canadian Fixed Income Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Canadian Small Company Equity Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Conservative Monthly Income Fund: Class I Units
  • Emerging Markets Equity Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Income 100 Fund: Class I Units
  • Income Balanced Fund: Class I Units
  • International Equity Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Long Duration Bond Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • Money Market Fund: Class R Units
  • Neutral Balanced Fund: Class I Units
  • Real Return Bond Fund: Class I Units and Class R
  • Short Term Bond Fund: Class I Units and Class R
  • U.S. High Yield Bond Fund: Class I Units, Class I(H) Units, Class R Units and Class R(H) Units
  • U.S. Large Cap Index Fund: Class I Units and Class R Units
  • U.S. Large Company Equity Fund: Class I Units, Class I(H) Units, Class R Units and Class R(H) Units
  • U.S. Small Company Equity Fund: Class I Units, Class I(H) Units, Class R Units and Class R(H) Units

More information on the fund class changes and the closure of specific classes can be found in the preliminary and pro forma simplified prospectus referenced above.

About SEI Canada 

SEI founded its Canadian business in 1983, pioneering innovative asset management techniques for institutional investors. Today, SEI offers integrated investment management and strategic advice solutions to help institutional investors achieve their organizational goals and fulfill fiduciary responsibilities. Capitalizing on its investment expertise, SEI began offering investment solutions to retail investors through investment advisors in 1994. The investment approach provides multi-manager, globally diversified strategies with an appropriate home-country bias for Canadian retail investors. SEI’s goals-based strategies, strategic asset allocation strategies and asset class funds are available through select dealer relationships. For more information, visit

About SEI

After 50 years in business, SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) remains a leading global provider of investment processing, investment management, and investment operations solutions that help corporations, financial institutions, financial advisors, and ultra-high-net-worth families create and manage wealth. As of March 31, 2021, through its subsidiaries and partnerships in which the company has a significant interest, SEI manages, advises or administers $1 trillion* in hedge, private equity, mutual fund and pooled or separately managed assets, including approximately $384 billion* in assets under management and $836 billion* in client assets under administration. For more information, visit

*Figures are in US dollars

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.


Head of Global Communications


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